It belongs to the following Performers
- a presence Christmas socket trigger
- a presence Christmas socket command
It belongs to the following Group of Performers
- a presence Christmas socket trigger
- a presence Christmas socket command
- presence sockets
It will be modified by the following Scheduler Triggers
- send Christmas eve event will notify ['']
- send Christmas time is over event will notify ['']
- send San Silvester event will notify ['']
- send Epiphany eve event will notify ['']
- no one at home will notify ['home.event.presence.Event.Off', 'home.event.alarm.armed.Event.On']
- someone at home will notify ['home.event.presence.Event.On', 'home.event.alarm.armed.Event.Off']
- send Epiphany event will notify ['']
- lux sensor scheduler trigger will notify []
- send San Silvester is over event will notify ['']
- send Epiphany is over event will notify ['']
- lux sensor scheduler trigger will notify ['home.event.sun.brightness.Event.DeepDark']
- send Christmas time event (1) will notify ['']
- send Christmas time event (2) will notify ['']
- send Christmas time event (3) will notify ['']
- send San Silvester eve event will notify ['']
- lux sensor scheduler trigger will notify ['home.event.sun.brightness.Event.Bright']
- send Christmas event will notify ['']
- lux sensor scheduler trigger will notify ['home.event.sun.brightness.Event.Dark']